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- A Summary of the Barnes-Butterfield War In all innocence, we wrote a short
- YOU CAN SO RECURSE IN AMIGA BASIC article in Vol. III, No. 2, to de-
- AND, monstrate recursion for an Amigan
- INSIGHTS INTO THE FOLLIES who asked what it involved. In that
- OF BRUTE FORCE RECURSION article, we said you can't "use re-
- cursion" in Amiga Basic. Not long
- after, a letter arrived, addressed to "The Hater and Vilifier of Amiga Basic, PO
- Box 411..." The Postmistress handed it to us and said, "Better tone down what-
- ever it is you're writing, Dick. We're getting tired of checking the hate-mail
- for letter bombs." (Most of the hate mail arrives from software houses who fail
- to appreciate our comments on their programs).
- But this wasn't hate mail. In his usual calm, precise way, Jim Butterfield told
- us we could recurse in Amiga Basic with GOSUB, and demonstrated how. He also up-
- held the honor and utility of that language with many a good example. Last, he
- warned that brute force recursion on a knight's tour of a full 8 x 8 board might
- require half of forever. We replied at length, expounding upon the many virtues
- of True Basic, and objecting that GOSUB did not allow passage of arguments dur-
- ing recursion. (This began as a "my language is better than your language" sort
- of thing, from which both of us soon had the good sense to desist.)<
- One rainy afternoon, in about two hours, we wrote a simple True Basic program
- to demonstrate recursion in action as the program attempted to solve a 4 x 4
- board. We sent it to Jim because it was short and showed graphically each recur-
- sive move. We also sent a copy to old master Terry Peterson in California, and
- asked if he could adapt it to A/C Basic (the compiled version), for, if memory
- served, A/C Basic could accept recursive subroutine calls with arguments.<
- Terry Peterson responded first, with a much-improved recursive version of our
- program, in A/C Basic, which ran about twice as fast as ours did. It showed that
- A/C Basic indeed recursed with efficiency and speed. Okay, Basic wins the first
- battle of the war. Then Jim wrote a thoughtful letter, noting the overwhelming
- follies of plain, brute-force recursion. Following are a few of his ideas, which
- we demonstrate on a 5 x 5 board:
- 1 0 3 8 0 `MISSED CORNERS:`Only two ways into and out of a corner
- 0 13 6 0 4 exist. If you you use one to get there, you must use
- 0 2 9 12 7 the other to leave. At left, the moves around the upper
- 0 11 0 5 0 right corner ignore the rule. Move 13 could make the
- 0 0 0 10 0 corner, but leave no way out. When such corners don't
- fill properly, a recursive program wastes an enormous
- amount of time to learn that the board can't be solved until it backs off and
- makes the appropriate moves into and out of each corner. (Yes, a 5 x 5 board can
- be solved).
- 1 6 3 12 9 `TRAPS at MISSED SQUARES:`At left sit two blank squares,
- 4 11 8 0 0 in positions 5 and 6, row 2. Move 14 made it impossible
- 7 2 5 10 13 for either to be reached; move 15 blocks the knight ut-
- 0 15 0 0 0 terly. As you watch a knight move recursively, you can
- 0 0 0 14 0 see these traps develop.
- There are two obvious mechanical solutions: 1) develop algorithms able to fill
- corners with logic, and 2) to look ahead and avoid the traps at missed squares.
- No one, so far as we know, has written such routines. Indeed, there's no assur-
- rance that they'd be faster than brute force recursion.
- `Jim Butterfield, with his usual ingenuity,`asked why the viewer can't intervene
- when these obvious problems develop. He wrote two programs in Amiga Basic which
- let you intervene at will, back off to a specific move, and try again. We find
- ourselves fascinated, as we use Jim's programs, with learning how to look at a
- board and back off to a move that'll unblock a board and let the knight proceed.
- Both are written for full 8 x 8 boards (Jim told us that REAL MEN do not horse
- around with 4 x 4 boards, even for demos. We've been eating quiche ever since.)<
- The war was not without its lighter moments. Jim conceived a grand scheme based
- on symmetry. "Aha," he said, "a search to depth of 64 is a great time waster.
- With symmetry, could this not be reduced to 16? If I could find a pattern of 16
- moves that took me from upper-left to upper-right, I could iterate these moves
- (rotatated 90 degrees) to get to lower-right, etc. It wasn't hard to code, but
- I wondered why no useful solutions appeared. Then it struck me! THERE CAN BE
- NO POSSIBLE SOLUTION! Proof: On each move, a knight moves to a square of oppos-
- ite color. Each two-move pair, the knight returns to to the original color. Af-
- ter 16 moves, the knight must be on the same color it started. But--upper left
- and upper right corners have opposite colors! There is no way 16 moves can get
- from one to the other. Reductio ad absurdum. Groan..."
- Jim adds, "Can we do a 32-move sequence that repeats, upper left to lower right?
- It takes more time than you might think, and again is helped by manual interven-
- tion."
- `Doug Jones of Atlantic Highlands`also sent us a recursive tour in C; it works
- (swiftly!) on boards from 4 x 4 to 8 x 8. It states "no answer" to a 4 x 4 board
- in 16 seconds, solves a 5 x 5 board in less than 1 second, solves a 6 x 6 board
- in 9 minutes 45 seconds, and (suprise!) finds a solution to a 7 x 7 in 6:35. It
- prints a blue and white checkerboard on screen, and shows recursion by move num-
- ber on the board (it's pretty swift at that). We set it up this morning on our
- A-1000 with nothing else running, looking for a solution to an 8 x 8 board...<
- `The Object of our Exercise in Recursion`is to demonstrate how it works. Those
- who want to see it in both source code and action will find all the programs on
- Amigan PD Disk 21. Terry Peterson placed the A/C version in the runtime package
- so that anyone can run it. The A/C Basic programs--as well as Jim's--graphically
- represent the board for each move; the effect of recursion is plain as the nose
- on an elephant. The source code for Doug Jones' C program is an excellent demo
- in that language, although the recursive work is graphically so swift it's al-
- most impossible to follow.
- `Some numbers will make the weaknesses in brute force recursion come alive.`We
- ran both A/C Basic and True Basic on 8 x 8 boards for over half a billion iter-
- ations without finding a solution. With manual intervention, one can find a sol-
- ution to an 8 x 8 board with Jim's program and no practice in less than a hour.
- The weakness in a brute force approach is amply demonstrated by Doug Jones' pro-
- gram in C. We kicked it off on an 8 x 8 board at 11:59 on Friday morning, and at
- 23:59 had to shut it down--still not solved. Jim's comments about the stupidity
- of brute force recursion were amply demonstrated here. The move sequence at the
- left appeared shortly after 1 p.m. on the lower-left hand corner of
- 13 4 the board. The program spent the next ten hours on recursive moves
- 0 19 higher than and beyond this obvious failure. In time, it would have
- backtracked down the recursive road and filled the corner. But--in
- how many more hours (or days)? Brute force recursion on complex problems, as Jim
- said at the beginning, demands either clever auxiliary algorithms or manual in-
- tervention--or both. If you want to understand recursion and how it works, its
- weaknesses and strengths, you can do no better than read and run the programs
- issued on PD Disk 21.